An AI-powered Digital Twin to tell us water-levels across The Netherlands

Using real live sensors, AI can tell us water-levels in The Netherlands at places where there are no sensors. TNO, Aveco de Bondt, SURF and the University of Groningen explore this in digital twinning. We talk about trusting and using these data, and what this means practically.

With AI and digital twinning, we can use real live sensor measurement data to determine water-levels in The Netherlands for places where there are currently no real sensors. The biggest challenge lies in being able to trust and use these data, but with this comes practical value.

maart 28 @ 15:15
15:15 — 16:00 (45′)


Andrés Tello | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Manuel Rodrigues | SURF, Paolo Pileggi | TNO, Prof. Alexander Lazovik | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen